How to build the habit of eating breakfast daily?

How To Build The Habit of Eating Breakfast Daily?


Studies show that people who eat breakfast daily are more likely to lose weight and more likely to maintain a healthy weight long term than those who don’t.

For example, a Harvard study of more than 17,000 men found that those who frequently ate breakfast consistently weighed less than those who rarely or never ate breakfast.

Another study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, evaluated the diets of adults and found that eating breakfast was associated with lower BMIs in women.

However, there are many obstacles that get in the way of eating breakfast: Not feeling hungry, not enough time in the morning to prepare breakfast, wanting to get as much sleep as possible, mornings are too busy etc. So how can we build this habit with so many challenges?

According to behavior change scientists, three things help people to change their behavior: an epiphany, environment and baby steps. The good news is that two out three of these things we have direct control over.

  1. Baby Steps: To build the habit of eating a healthy breakfast daily, you can do the tiny habit of grabbing a piece of fruit as you head out of the door. Gradually you can add other foods.
  2. Change your environment: To make this habit easier you can change your environment. Put a fresh fruit basket where it’s visible. It will be a visual reminder to grab the piece of fruit. Place your car/house keys next to the fruit basket. When you go to grab your keys, you will be reminded to grab a piece of fruit to go.

Incorporate these tips and try it out for seven days and let me know how successful you were with eating breakfast daily this week.